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How to Make the First Letter of a Post Large in Blogger

However, recently one of our users asked me about how to make the first letter of a post larger in Blogger. Sometimes you are reading a story book or a newspaper and the very first letter of the very first paragraph is just really big, this whole thing is known as drop caps. Today in this article, we will show you how to make the first letter of a post large in Blogger.So, Lets Learn about it.

What are Drop Caps (Large First Letter)?

Drop caps is a kind of a styling technique that is most likely to be used in story books, newspapers and magazine featuring long paragraphs. It keeps the font size of the first letter of the paragraph large as compared to the remaining letters.

Drop Caps can also be added to blogs or websites using a simple CSS technique that makes the task really straightforward and easier for everyone to understand.

How to Make First Letter of a Post Larger in Blogger:

However, you need to know the name of the div class or id of your main content. You can find that by looking into your template files or through the Inspect element feature in your browser. 
Once you have your div class, then go to Blogger >> Template >> Edit HTML >> search for
 ]]></b:skin> tag.
and just above it paste the following code.

However, make sure you change the "post-outer" section below if your template has a different class name. You can also customize the CSS codes to make it look according to your template design or even better.

.post-outer:first-letter {
    float: left;
    font-size: 4em;
    color: #111;
    margin-right: 0.10em;
    line-height: 90%;
    text-shadow: 0.05em 0.05em #C0C0C0;

I hope that after reading this article you know about the first letter and can create easily.
Let me know you if you have any problem regarding to this article.If you have any problem you can ank me in comment box.Thanks for reading this article.Stay Tuned for more articles.

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